StratCommRx November 2019


Fall is truly a time for reflection, thankfulness, and change. Recently, two different clients complimented us on our role as their “thought partner.” I really cannot think of higher praise to receive as a consultant. That treasured role of partner, confidant, trusted advisor, and well – friend, is what motivated me to start this firm more than nine years ago.
And change has blessed us with Lana, Heather, then Olivia, now Kennedy, and all of you reading today. We are humbled by and thankful for your trust and faith in our work.

There is another common thread between the two clients mentioned above. Both had reason for us to update a graphic for use in visually explaining crisis communication when it comes to impact and outrage – and determining the level of effort needed. StratCommRx provides crisis communications across our engagement spectrum. Our rationale stems from the training I received in 2003 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Their crisis and emergency risk framework, theories, and lessons still apply. Keep the below graphic in mind as you consider how you spend your time and energy when it comes to crisis, stakeholder, employee, and public engagement.
Enjoy the blessing of the holidays,

Kelly Ferrara, President
The Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis

Active Advocacy Coalition Rebranding

The StratCommRx team is once again providing brand engagement services to the Scholarship Foundation of St. Louis. We have had the pleasure of working with the Scholarship Foundation since 2011, and look forward to rebranding the Active Advocacy Coalition. Established in 2015, the Active Advocacy Coalition leverages student-led advocacy on key issues of impact in higher education. Our team is delighted to provide this coalition with branding and messaging that illustrates strength, unity, equity, and power.
Effective Public Meetings, Meaningful Public Engagement

StratCommRx's Engagement Director, Heather Lasher Todd, recently had the opportunity to present to municipal leaders in the St. Louis region on hosting effective public meetings, and this week she led a training for a group of nonprofit leaders on public engagement for organizations. 

If your company or organization is ready to begin a journey to engagement strategy, we would love to connect with you and discuss current best-practices and new ideas. 
Great Rivers Greenway
The St. Vincent Greenway

Great Rivers Greenway is connecting the dots to complete the St. Vincent Greenway in the Pagedale area, and is engaging the community as part of their planning process. Beginning this month, StratCommRx is facilitating several public and stakeholder engagement meetings. These meetings provide the Pagedale community an opportunity to actively engage in the process of determining what this greenway will be. If you want to keep up with the planning of this greenway, follow @GreatRiversGreenway on Facebook, @GreatRiversSTL on Twitter, and watch for public meeting dates in January 2020. You can learn more about the St. Vincent Greenway here
Reconnect With Your Team in 2020

As your strongest brand ambassadors and largest investment, employees need special attention. The start of a new year is a great time to host an employee retreat, staff training, or even just an extended team-building lunch! 

We love creating customized retreats and trainings for companies and organizations. Kelly is also a certified instructor in the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, a tool which enables employees to learn more about themselves and how to best interact and communicate with others. Let us help you plan something fun, engaging, and meaningful for your team in 2020!

(Pictured: Kelly leads the staff of Forest Park Forever in a game of "Forest Feud" at an employee retreat.)
Visit us! Our office address is:
333 S Kirkwood Rd.
Suite 310
Kirkwood, MO 63122

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