StratCommRx August 2018


In April, StratCommRx launched our updated and redesigned website. After eight years in business, it was time for us to have an updated portfolio to showcase the work we’re proud to have done with so many of you. We are eager for you to take a look! Please visit and click “Download Portfolio”. You can also click the second portfolio icon below, it will directly take you to the PDF downloadable version of our portfolio.


Make sure to follow us on Facebook to receive engagement topics and keep up with our office antics. Thank you for your continued support and trust during our more than eight years in business. StratCommRx looks forward to working with you for many years to come.
Kelly Ferrara
Staff News

StratCommRx is pleased to announce the hiring of our new Project Coordinator, Kennedy Moore! Kennedy is a recent graduate of the University of Missouri – Columbia, where she studied both Communication and Black Studies and graduated Cum Laude. At Mizzou, Kennedy was involved in many activities including the Legion of Black Collegians Gospel Choir, Lambda Pi Eta, Griffiths Leadership Society for Women, Mizzou Alternative Breaks, and the University of Missouri: Division of Inclusion, Diversity, and Equity.
Originally from Chicago, IL, Kennedy grew up around music. Her father is a retired band teacher from Chicago Public Schools and her mother regularly enjoys singing for fun at karaoke. For 10 years, Kennedy was a member of the Soul Children of Chicago, a professional, touring gospel choir. Kennedy owes much of her personal growth to experiences at Mizzou and in the Soul Children. As a new addition to StratCommRx and the St. Louis area, Kennedy hopes to master public engagement, develop strategy through various mediums of communication, help the business grow, and learn about the metropolitan area around her.
Public Engagement Spotlight
Jacobs, on behalf of MoDOT

What does public engagement look like in action?
Did you know Interstate 70 connects Maryland to Utah? In the St. Louis region, I-70 is one of the most traveled interstates for both cars and freight. Several years ago, the Missouri Department of Transportation began a high-level Planning and Environmental Linkages (PEL) Study to plan for the future of this important corridor. StratCommRx was honored to be chosen to work with project leaders Jacobs on this PEL study.
A challenge for long-range planning studies, rather than immediate projects, is how to engage the public in a meaningful way when there is not an imminent change happening in their area. To tackle this challenge, StratCommRx created the Envision I-70 campaign (, conducted media outreach, created a number of active key advisory groups, interviewed stakeholders, held public meetings, and created an interactive online engagement tool. This tool, created on the MetroQuest platform, allowed members of the public to provide a significant amount of information to the project team on their own time. More than 2,600 people in the region used the tool – far more than could have participated at in-person meetings alone.


True public engagement is a process, not an event. The use of MetroQuest gave residents who would otherwise not have attend a public meeting the chance to submit their comments digitally. More voices at the table makes for more informed decision-making.  
Are you interested in learning more about how StratCommRx is rethinking public engagement? Contact Kelly Ferrara at [email protected].
Visit us! Our office address is:
333 S Kirkwood Rd.
Suite 310
Kirkwood, MO 63122

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