StratCommRx April 2018


It’s been quite the exciting start to 2018 for StratCommRx! Between welcoming wonderful new clients, strengthening our relationships with our current ones, and even receiving some surprise office guests (service puppies and the Mayor of Webster? What fun!), we’ve been busy. Luckily, this newsletter is here to give you a taste of what the StratCommRx team been up to over the past few months.
We’re so thankful to be able to share work, build connections, and celebrate successes with all of you.  

Wishing you a wonderful spring, 
Kelly Ferrara
Staff News
Hooray for Heather!
We’d like to congratulate our very own Heather Lasher Todd, who was recently elected to the board of the Midwest Chapter of the International Association for Public Participation (IAP2). She’ll be in charge of communications and membership, quite the apt position for one of our resident communication experts! We’d also like to extend congratulations to the other members of the newly minted Midwest Chapter Board: Myles Alexander, Anne Carroll, Emily Molloy, and Eric Roach. We cannot wait to see what Heather and the rest of the incredible team have in store for our chapter in the coming years.
IAP2 USA is a private, non-profit, membership organization that supports and advocates for effective public participation all across the country. Interested in learning more? Check out the website here:
Say Hello (and Goodbye) to our Coro Fellow!
This past February, StratCommRx was lucky enough to host a Coro Fellow, Grace Mason. During her time here, Grace was able to get a taste of what it means to engage at every level by working with clients from a myriad of sectors, co-facilitating a team-building session, and spearheading a massive project of her own for Nurses for Newborns. Despite our short time together, Grace made an excellent addition to the StratCommRx team, and we wish her all the luck with the rest of her Fellowship. We’ll miss you!
Employee Engagement Spotlight
Forest Park Forever

Who says engaging with employees can’t be a tree-t? 

An organization is nothing without the strong team behind it. Unfortunately, that strength doesn’t just develop over night; employees need tending in order to grow into a passionate, dedicated team. Luckily, StratCommRx is here to help you cultivate the perfect office atmosphere to ensure all your employees are able to thrive.

At this point, we’re sure you’ve picked up on all the plant-based language. Sorry, but we just couldn’t resist after working with Forest Park Forever on their recent staff retreat. Over the course of two days, Kelly Ferrara worked with this incredible team to get everyone on the same page, and had a lot of fun along the way!

By putting her expertise on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® to good use,
Kelly helped each team member identify their individual type, and helped them understand how this seemingly arbitrary string of letters can enhance effective communication. By learning more about personality types, the Forest Park Forever staff can truly blossom into the team they are meant to be. 

Here’s a little engagement pro-tip: employee engagement doesn’t have to be all work and no play. If you’re noticing a lack of energy around the office, shake things up with some fun, organization-related games you can easily work into your staff meetings. After all, as we learned from the Forest Park Forever staff, a little fun can go a long way.

As a way to end the retreat, the StratCommRx team developed “Forest Feud,” a Forest Park Forever-themed version of game show Family Feud. We asked employees to provide answers to fun questions about the organization, and combined these with more typical Family Feud questions to round out the game. In the end, eight teams battled it out to see who would become the “Forest Feud” champs, and everyone had an uproariously good time playing. It was the perfect way to end the retreat, giving employees a positive memory of their experience and something to bond over for years to come.

Feeling like your team could benefit from an expert with a green thumb for employee engagement? Reach out to Kelly Ferrara at [email protected].

Visit us! Our office address is:
333 S Kirkwood Rd.
Suite 310
Kirkwood, MO 63122

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